Oregon Sons of the American Revolution
About Us
The Chapter has many activities and its rapid growth and success may well be attributed to the fact that it has something to offer everyone that wishes to get involved through our Mentoring program. These activities include American History presentations in school with our Learning Trunk; a traveling booth; a community outreach program; and a Boy Scout program.

The Lewis and Clark Chapter was instituted April 4, 1992
One of its most prominent and best publicized activities is its Continental Uniformed Color Guard that participates in a number of civic parades, Eagle Scout Courts of Honor, many veterans and patriotic functions, including the Annual Beaverton Memorial Day Program and the Wreaths across America program where our Color Guard fires a musket volley during the wreath laying ceremonies on the veterans graves at the Willamette National Cemetery.
One of the programs we are passionate about is the building of the Oregon Revolutionary War Memorial in the Beaverton Veterans Memorial Park. This memorial will be the largest of its kind West of the Mississippi River.
For more information please contact us at info.lcc.sar@gmail.com
Our New 2024 Chapter Officers
President: David Witter
Vice President: Matthew Rosenberg
Secretary: Ted Meece
Treasurer: Gerald Rich
Registrar: David Witter
Historian: Matthew Rosenberg
Chaplain: Eugene Foley
State Trustees: Matthew Rosenberg and Joel Simmons